About Us

Welcome to RemiPro
Your Trusted Currency Exchange Partner in Melbourne

Located in the vibrant city of Melbourne, RemiPro is a premier currency exchange service provider, proudly registered with AUSTRAC. Our mission is to provide top-notch, reliable, and secure currency exchange services tailored to the needs of the Australian community.

Real-Time Rates

We provide up-to-date exchange rates, ensuring you always stay informed about market trends.

Quick Transactions

Our easy-to-use platform allows you to complete exchange transactions quickly, saving valuable time.

Zero Fees

Enjoy zero-fee currency exchange services, saving you more money.

Multiple Currencies

Support for a wide range of major currencies to meet your diverse needs.

Our Commitment

At RemiPro, we are dedicated to providing our clients with the highest level of service, leveraging our extensive industry experience and advanced technology. Our goal is to build lasting relationships with our clients based on trust, reliability, and exceptional service quality.

Why Choose RemiPro?

With over 10 years of industry experience focused on the Australian market, RemiPro is an AUSTRAC-registered provider (Dealer number: IND100789003-001) that offers personalized services using advanced proprietary hedging and CRM systems. We provide optimal exchange rates, transaction history access,  ensuring a secure and customer-centric experience.

Local Experts

Rooted in Australia, we understand the local market demands and provide personalized service.


RemiPro is a fully registered independent remittance dealer with AUSTRAC.

Customer Support

Speak to your account manager whenever you need to, your questions and trading needs are always been looked after

Trusted by Many

Trusted choice for numerous customers, our high-quality service speaks for itself.

Thank you for choosing RemiPro.
We look forward to serving you!